What is neck liposuction?

Neck liposuction is an effective body sculpting procedure that addresses pockets of fat on the neck and jawline in order to contour the neck and result in a very natural-looking, renewed appearance. Neck liposuction sculpts your neck to achieve a more attractive, youthful appearance, free of unwanted pockets of fat.

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Benefits of neck liposuction

Neck liposuction provides many benefits for patients who are dealing with a stubborn double chin or other pockets of fat on the neck. Benefits include the following:

  •  A more youthful, sculpted profile
  • Eliminated double chin and jowls
  • Very minimal scarring
  • Long-lasting results
  • A smoother, firmer jawline
  • Short procedure time
  • A more attractive-looking neckline 
  • Improved self-confidence

Neck Liposuction Before & After

Your consultation

The first step of neck liposuction is a thorough, thoughtful consultation with Dr. Banerji. He will examine your neck structure, skin elasticity, and underlying muscle tone and discuss your cosmetic concerns. Dr. Banerji will discuss the details of the neck liposuction procedure and other complementary procedures that will help ensure you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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Candidates for neck liposuction

Candidates for neck liposuction in Webster & Clear Lake, TX, must have enough skin elasticity to allow the skin to reform into a new, contoured shape after the fat under the skin is removed. 

 Candidates who are in good health generally and have enough skin elasticity typically want to  address one or more of the following concerns:

  •  Jowls
  • A double chin
  • Fat pockets around the neck
  • An irregular jawline

Your neck lift procedure

Neck liposuction starts with local anesthesia to ensure you’re completely comfortable during your procedure. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, Dr. Banerji will make small incisions placed below the chin and behind the ears. The incisions are extremely small, no more than one or two millimeters long. 

These incisions are the entrance points for a cannula (a small, thin tube) to be gently inserted to loosen the excess fat to allow it to be suctioned out with vacuum suction. Dr. Banerji performs this carefully and precisely to ensure the contours of the neck are attractively sculpted and defined. This procedure takes about 1-2 hours. Once it’s complete, a pressure bandage is applied to help the skin and tissues mold to the sculpted, desired shape. The pressure bandage also helps reduce swelling and bruising.


Expect some bruising, swelling, and numbness after your procedure. You can use cool packs to minimize these side effects. Keep your head elevated and sleep with your head elevated as well. Avoid any strenuous activity for a few days after surgery. 

 Most patients are able to return to sedentary work within a few days of their surgery. Light exercise can be continued after about a week from surgery. Within three to six weeks, the swelling and bruising should be mostly reduced. You will notice your more sculpted, contoured neck and jawline within a few days after the swelling goes down. 

 Your scars are so small that they are not very noticeable. They will take several months to fade. 

Results generally last between five to ten years, longer in many cases.

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Why choose Banerji Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Soumo Banerji is a perfectionist whose dedication, surgical skill, and artistic eye ensure he performs the best aesthetic work on every patient he treats. His approach to plastic surgery is about achieving his patients' aesthetic goals with attractive results that enhance their natural beauty and confidence. Call today for a consultation and learn more about what neck liposuction in Webster & Clear Lake, TX, can do for you.

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