What is a Facial Fat Transfer?

A facial fat transfer is a surgical procedure performed to move fat cells into the face where sunken cheeks and hollows exist and youthful volume has been lost. A facial fat transfer first removes excess, unwanted fat cells from a designated area of the body, such as the thighs or abdomen. These cells are then purified and precisely injected into the hollow areas of the face to achieve youthful fullness and lifted, sculpted features.

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Treat Facial Aging the Natural Way:

Facial Fat Transfer Treatments

The facial fat beneath your skin gives it the plump contours of youth. With time, the fat diminishes and can leave your face appearing far less youthful. Facial fat transfer in Webster is the natural alternative to dermal fillers, with long-lasting results. This custom procedure can be used to rejuvenate or enhance your facial structure by adding natural fat volume.

Areas Treated With Facial Fat Transfer

Natural fat can be injected to enhance or restore various facial areas as an alternative to synthetic dermal fillers. The areas of your face that can be enhanced with this state-of-the-art procedure include:

  • Temples
  • Deep tear troughs
  • Cheeks
  • Smile lines
  • Marionette lines
  • Chin

What is the Procedure Like?

You will gain an added benefit with this procedure, as excess fat will be harvested from a body area that has an excess, such as love handles, abdomen, or thighs. Once the fat is harvested, with a gentle liposuction system to protect the viability of the fat cells, it is purified and placed within a syringe and meticulously injected to create natural facial volume. The beauty of the results will reflect the skills of your plastic surgeon, and you can be confident when under the care of Dr. Banerji, a master of this advanced aesthetic art. The treatment will not be painful, as you will be under mild sedation and the area numbed with a local anesthetic.

Harvesting Fat Cells for Transfer

Harvesting fat cells involves the use of a specialized cannula (a thin, hollow needle). The cannula is placed into the donor area, whether the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, or thighs. The fat cells are then carefully extracted with the most gentle liposuction method to ensure fewer cells are damaged and remain intact and healthy for transfer. The cells are then purified and injected into the facial area that you want to be enhanced. The fat cells work as a natural filler, smoothing away creases and lines and restoring facial areas that have age-related volume loss.

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Enhance Your Look with a Custom Facial Fat Transfer Treatment

The gradual loss of facial volume eventually leads to fine lines, wrinkles, and creases. The skin becomes looser and begins to sag, and areas that were once plump and firm may now appear gaunt and sunken. Facial fat transfer is a groundbreaking way to naturally restore volume and the soft, round facial contours associated with youth and good health.

Recovery Time What to Expect?

You will have two areas that are sensitive following your procedure: the donor site and the injection site. It is normal to experience bruising, and these areas may feel tender and sore. The healing time varies from person to person but is typically between seven to ten days before returning to work or important social activities. The swelling gradually fades, and your rejuvenated look becomes evident – full, plump, and healthy in the most natural way.

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Banerji Plastic Surgery for Facial Fat Transfer in Houston

The beauty of the results of a facial fat transfer in Clear Lake, TX, will directly reflect the skills and precision of your provider. Dr. Banerji is a board-certified plastic surgeon with an impeccable reputation and who is known for achieving remarkably natural-looking results.

He employs the most advanced techniques and is committed to doing his best work for every person he treats. He and his team provide an extraordinary level of patient care with warmth, compassion, and support.

For a beautiful enhancement in skin quality and volume restoration, you are invited to discover a rising star in the plastic surgery community, Dr. Banerji, and enjoy the outstanding support he and his team provide, along with discretion, privacy, and personalized care.

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