Treatment for Male Breasts: Gynecomastia Surgery

Candidates for breast reduction are men who are living with large or sagging breasts that make them feel physically and emotionally uncomfortable. This condition can be treated with surgery geared to create a sculpted, masculine appearance to the upper chest. It may involve both liposuction and the surgical removal of excess glandular tissue or only liposuction in some cases.

Handsome Men At Beach

Male Breast Reduction

What is the Surgery Like?

Male breast reduction in Clear Lake, TX, is performed with intravenous sedation on an outpatient basis and typically takes from one to three hours. Male breast reduction is performed using liposuction or surgery, or a combination, based on the cause of the excess breast tissue in the individual.

Liposuction or Surgical Removal?

If the enlarged breasts are the result of excess fatty tissue, the fat can be removed with liposuction, during which a cannula (a thin, hollow tube) is inserted through very small incisions, through which the fat cells are removed with a gentle vacuum or a specialized medical syringe. The incisions are placed at the lower part of the areolas (colored tissue surrounding the nipples) or in the underarms.

When enlarged male breasts have an excess of glandular tissue, the tissue must be surgically removed. Incisions are placed, through which the tissue is removed (excised). Repositioning the nipples and removing excess skin may be required in some cases. Sutures are used to close the incisions, and the upper chest is bandaged and then held firmly in place with a compression garment.

Before & After

Smooth White Satin Sheets

How Long Does it Take to Recover?

After undergoing male breast reduction in Webster, it is normal to expect some bruising, swelling, and discomfort. Any discomfort dissipates after a few days, and your comfort can be managed with prescribed pain medication. To help reduce swelling, the compression garment will be worn for about two weeks and at night for several additional weeks.

The swelling or any skin discoloration partially subsides in one to two weeks, at which time the stitches are removed. You will be free to return to work in about a week and can perform light aerobic exercise, but you must avoid strenuous physical activities for four to six weeks.

The results of gynecomastia surgery last a lifetime as long as you maintain a stable weight. When the excess of breast tissue was caused by drug use, work with your doctor to find an alternative or take the step to stop taking recreational substances that can trigger the condition.

Doctor media

A Masculine Chest with the Help of Banerji Plastic Surgery in Houston

Dr. Banerji is a next-generation, young, board-certified plastic surgeon with a rapidly expanding reputation for excellence. He understands the concerns of male patients and works closely with each patient in planning the surgical procedure. His meticulous surgical techniques produce results geared to bring every male patient he treats real-world relief and the freedom to go shirtless at the beach, pool, or in intimate moments, with confidence. He is discreet, honest, and a master of the various surgical techniques for a superior result, and his support team provides an outstanding level of support throughout the process.

Learn More About Dr. Banerji »

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