A “tummy tuck,” or abdominoplasty, is a powerful surgical procedure to restore a firm, sculpted appearance to the abdomen. A tummy tuck in Clear Lake & Webster, TX, may be necessary to restore strength to the underlying muscle structure and remove excess fat and skin left after pregnancies or significant weight loss.
Your Journey to a Taut, Firm Abdomen: How Long Will it Take to See the Results?
Abdominoplasty is generally performed as a “day” surgery, and in most cases, you can return home the same day as the procedure. You should plan to leave under the care of another adult, who should stay with you for the first day or two to help you with simple tasks that are more difficult in the early stages of healing. Any pain or discomfort will be managed with prescription pain medication. Take all prescriptions as directed, and take all the time you need to rest and recover – once your recovery is complete, which may take four to six weeks.
Added Treatments to Sculpt Your Body During a Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty in Webster & Clear Lake, TX, may include liposuction to remove excess fat on the love handles and waist to create a superior result.
Your Recovery - The Rules
You will be encouraged to walk the same day (with help) and to try and sit in a chair as much as possible rather than just lying down. The more you move around, although carefully, the faster you will heal, as physical activity helps with your circulation, which will carry away the excess fluids normal after surgery and bring the incisions the nutrients needed to heal.
You should feel well enough to return to work in ten to fourteen days and be able to resume full activity in about six weeks. The first phase of healing is the most challenging, and you will have pain medication to keep you comfortable. Dr. Banerji and his helpful, caring staff will be monitoring you through your recovery and will see you several times in follow-up appointments.
Meet with Us About a Tummy Tuck in Houston
To learn more about our tummy tuck procedures or other body contouring procedures, reach out to us to schedule a convenient time for a personal, private consultation. If you are planning to undergo a tummy tuck, you want to ensure you are under the care of a talented, caring, board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive experience and has mastered the most advanced techniques. You will find the team at Banerji Plastic Surgery to offer an outstanding level of personal care from start to finish and surgical results that are exceptionally smooth, firm, and natural.