Patient 1
Individual results may vary.Front: Multiple abdominal rolls due to large amount of excess skinOblique Right: Lateral: Flattening of the profile due to removal of skin excess as well as muscle plicationOblique Right: Body lift to improve all the rolls of the hip and back as well as provide some lift to the buttocksBack: 40 year old woman with history of massive weight loss. Significant skin excess of entire abdomen extending to back and waist.Individual results may vary.
Patient 2
Individual results may vary.Front: Oblique Left: Side: Back: 35 year old woman with significant skin laxity after weight loss. Abdominoplasty / body lift was performed to address the skin excess in the front and the sides, highlighting her waist and flat stomach. Liposuction of the back to address residual fat in these regions for further contouring.Individual results may vary.
Patient 3
Individual results may vary.Back: Shaping and contouring of the waist and hips to produce desired hourglass shapeSide: Contouring of the waistline and bra roll as well as shaping and projection of the buttocksIndividual results may vary.
Patient 4
Individual results may vary.Front: Side: Back: Oblique: Prior massive weight loss with significant skin excess of the abdomen and back. Circumferential body contouring with liposuction and skin excision extending to the back. This allows us to address the waist, abdomen, and back at once.Individual results may vary.
Patient 5
Individual results may vary.Side: Back: Body lift to address skin excess manifesting as rolls at waist and hips. Liposuction alone will not address the skin excess, and a boxy shape may persist. In cases of massive weight loss, the additional scars are worth the powerful contouring of the waist.Individual results may vary.